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2022年 國家醫療品質獎 產業應用組
VP-OSCE:虛擬病人 實現不接觸的高規臨床技能測驗
2020年 醫療品質策進會頒獎典禮

2020年 國家醫療品質獎 智慧醫療組
防疫動起來! Fighting COVID!
抗疫戰備軍之臨床診療訓練: 不進醫院也能實習
2020年 經濟部工業局
致力智慧教育創新 貢獻成果卓越
2019年 DIGI+Talent 經濟部工業局
2019年國家醫療品質獎 產業應用組
2017 Brandon Hall Best Advance in Gaming or Simulation Technology
2017 The Horizon Interactive Awards

  1. Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, The Considerations of Simulation Fidelity with the Uses of Virtual Patients. J Med Educ.27(1):5-8, 2023
  2. Chia-Hung Chen, , Feng-Cheng Liu, Zi-Xiang Xu, , Fu-Hsiung Su, Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, Virtual Patients vs Standardized Patients in Medical Education ‒ from the Perspectives of Clinical Teachers. J Med Educ.26(4):44-56, 2022
  3. Hui-Fang Yeh & Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai. The Establishment of a Virtual Patient-based Nationwide Contest on Clinical Reasoning. J Med Education 2022; 26: 173∼179. DOI: 10.6145/jme.202206_26(3).0005
  4. 蔡淳娟.疫情期間客觀性結構式臨床技能測驗OSCE的作為. VGH Nursing. 39(3):264-270, September 2022. https://doi.org/10.6142/VGHN.202209_39(3).0005
  5. Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai. The Development and Application of Virtual Patient in Clinical Training: The New Horizon for Nursing Education. The Journal of Nursing.68(5), October 2021
  6. 蔡淳娟. 後疫情世代醫護臨床技能測驗的新思維. 台灣擬真醫學教育學會雜誌JTSSH, 2022, 06
  7. 鄭麗娟、陳佳蓉、辜美安、林詩淳*(2022) .專科護理師參加虛擬病人教育訓練之學習動機.澄清醫護管理雜誌,18(1),49-59
  8. Shih‐Yi Wang,Chia‐Hung Chen, Tsuen‐Chiuan Tsai, Learning clinical reasoning with virtual patients. Med Educ. 2020 May;54(5):481. DOI: 10.1111/medu.14082
  9. 胡綾真、楊文琪、羅靜婷、方月燕. 以虛擬臨床診療系統訓練護理學生之病史詢問與臨床思維. J-TSSH 6(1) June 2019
  10. 蔡淳娟,郭功楷,湯人仰,林義隆.以智慧科技翻轉臨床教育: 虛擬臨床診療系統在高雄醫學大學之使用經驗Journal of Healthcare Quality. Mar. 2019. 13(2): 42-46.
International Conference Paper
  1. 2023 AMEE in Glasgow, 2023/26-30 August, Abstract ID: 4479 Title: A paradigm shift from face-to-face OSCE to virtual-OSCE: experiences from a nationwide VP-based clinical contest on diagnostic reasoning. Accepted as: Short Communication, oral presentation In Person Presenter(s)*: Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai.
  2. Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, Yi-Chang Tsai, Hsiu-I Yang, Huan-Cheng Chang, Brian Pin-Hsuan Chang. A patient-centered DIP (decentralization, integration, and precision) model in Healthcare that expands the solution scope for the underserved population in Taiwan. Asia-Pacific Association of Medical Informatics (APAMI) 2022, Taipei, 111/10/14-16
  3. Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, Kung-Kai Kuo, Feng-Cheng Liu, Shu-Ching Yeh. Online virtual patient-PBL engaging medical students to learn from patients during the Pandemic. Asia-Pacific Association of Medical Informatics (APAMI) 2022, Taipei, 111/10/14-16
  4. 2020 Ottawa conference : Conference workshop 29 Feb – 04 March 2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Assessment on clinical reasoning: how to smartly use virtual patients and standardized patients Presenters: Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai et. al.
  5. 2020 Ottawa conference : oral presentation 29 Feb – 04 March 2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The uses of virtual patients in the assessment of clinical reasoning: a nationwide contest Presenter: Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai